miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

A Web Programmer

What is a web programmer?

There is no single approach to what is a web programmer. In general, we can define it as a person with knowledge of computer programming that applies logic programming to create web pages using one or more programming languages.
A web development is something that has very variable dimensions. We can talk from a small website for a local business to a large site for a company internationally. In both cases, we could say that intervenes web programming, but a small development can be done by one person, but a large development requires a team of more or less extensive work , since around the web developments there are different areas of knowledge involved (analysis, design, programming, systems integration, testing, etc ). We can find multiple web languages ​​: PHP, HTML, ASP, etc...

What skills are required to be a web programmer?

It depends on the particular position in which we are working. It’s not the same work in a large company where we can achieve a high degree of specialization, or work alone with one or two others companions where we have to do a bit of everything.
Between these two extremes there are notable differences, but in both cases there is a person who comes to transform ideas into processes inside computers, the web programmer.

In conclusion

At this moment, the web programmers with good training and professional or expert level are demanded in the labor market and a high level of employment professionals.

However, reaching the level of professional or expert web developer will require several years of dedication.

So, if you want to be a good programmer web, you need to understand a programming language and a web language. If you want to do a great web (and to be a good web programmer), you will need the help of your teammates and know how to work with them.

An Application Programmer

What is an Appication Programmer?

The application programmer creates computer applications of general software or specialised programs. They analyze the different needs of users to make applications to cover that needs.

What skills are required to be an Application Programmer?

To be and application programmer you will need to hace analytical skils, and a great capacity to work as a team. Also you must know different programing language such are java, C++, php…

In conclusion

The application programmer work is a difficult one, because the information is updating constantly, so, the application programmer have to be learning for all his life. Nowadays, to work in a company is necessary to have a degree, for example, computer engineering degree.

A Game Developer

What is a Game Developer?

A game developer is a person who makes games in some platforms,some game developers just focus on carrying games from one platform to another.Now a days there are more than 1000 developer companys.
There are three types of game developers:
  • Third-party developers: They are called by some games company to make a game for them,the games company decides how must be the game and the developers get paid for doing what the company wants.

  • Internal developers: This ones works for big companys of games,they are permanently doing games just for that company.

  • Independents developers: They don't belong to any company they develop little games and they only get paid if their game is downloaded by other people.

What skills are required to be a Game Developer?

To be a game developer, you will need to know several different programing languages and be able to confront situations such are uncertainty jobs, changing on the games markets, and continuing learning new programing languages or ways to make games, and of course be creative.

In conclution

A game developer, is a creative person who knows many different programing languages, so it’s able to program and test the games that he is working on. He can can have different options to work making diferent types of games.

Software Engineer

What is a Software Engineer?

A software engineer is a person who controls the development of and maintenance of software projects. He also analyze and design new software applications, and test this new software. He can also administrate data base and give advice of software systems to the users.

What skills are required to be a Software Engineer?

To be a software engineer you will need to be a person who has a great knowledge of mathematics and programing, and the capacity to solve logic problems. Also you will need to be able to work in group as a team and be independent to keep studying all time and investigate new ways to make things.

In conclution

A software engineer is the person who design a software application and controls its life, since its principal idea to the final product and maintenance. A good software engineer must be creative and able to solve problems the most easy he can.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Nueva canción de PSY

Ha salido una nueva conción de PSY hace poco llamada gentleman que se trata de una parodia sobre ser un caballero, ya que en el video demuestra como se rie de las mujeres y de cosas como dejar pasar primero a la mujer, aun asi yo considero que la canción es bastante buena.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

  Salida de la tercera temporada de juego de tronos

Hoy salio la nueva temporada de juego de tronos la serie que esta arrasando en todo el mundo y mi serie favorita, por lo que he oido es la mejor temporada aunque no la halla visto todavia, esta tarde la veré, es un evento que no puedes perderte.

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Fogg lanza un buscador de hoteles que entiende español

Apostando por un sistema más intuitivo de búsqueda, que, en lugar de solicitar datos vía formulario, permite la inclusión de frases.
Solo tenemos que escribir loque quieras para que únicamente sea necesario indicar las fechas antes de obtener la lista de resultados, ya que Fogg es capaz de entender el resto de datos a partir de la frase informada.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Cloakmy para enviar mensajes de forma segura

En caso de que necesitemos enviar información sensible a cualquier destinatario por el motivo que sea, y no nos fiemos de los medios de envío de información que tenemos a nuestroa disposición, Cloakmy es un servicio que nos promete el envío de información de forma cifrada al destinatario al que queremos que llegue dicha información de forma segura.

Podemos proteger el mensaje por contraseña, de manera opcional, y en cualquier caso, el destinatario recibirá un enlace seguro que le permitirá acceder al dicho mensaje.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

OmniDrive es la extensión de Chrome para buscar archivos en nuestras cuentas de Google Drive

OmniDrive es una extensión para Google Chrome que nos permite realizar búsquedas de documentos y archivos alojados en nuestra cuenta de Google Drive a través de la omnibar.
La primera vez que lo usemos, tenemos que darle permiso desde Google Drive para su uso, y eso si, tenemos que tener iniciada sesión en Google Drive para poder realizar búsquedas desde la omnibar, donde tan sólo tenemos que teclear Drive seguido de espacio o de la barra tabuladora y después los términos de búsquedas, apareciendo de forma algo lenta las sugerencias de búsquedas que nos faciliten la búsquedas de documentos y archivos en los que estamos interesados acceder.
Las búsquedas las podemos realizar en la pestaña actual o bien abrir una nueva pestaña, obteniendo en cualquier caso los resultados en la pestaña desde donde hemos realizado la búsqueda justo después de presionar Enter una vez hayamos escrito los términos de búsquedas.
Se trata de una herramienta que nos facilitará el acceso a documentos y archivos y siempre que no queramos bucear por los directorios directamente.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

CloudBox – Un gadget para compartir material multimedia por Internet

es una solución desarrollada por LaCie que nos ofrece la posibilidad de poder compartir música, películas, archivos, etc. con nuestros contactos cuando queramos y desde donde queramos usando para ello un dispositivo que puede conectarse fácilmente a Internet.
Podemos elegir instalar la versión de 1TB por 120 dólares, 2TB por 150 dólares o 3 TB de almacenamiento por 180 dólares, o podemos descargarlo crakeado por internet